She's the one

Arts 3 2857
Arts 3 2856
Arts 3 2855

Ganhei coragem e avancei. Ofereci-me uma Rolleicord VB num estado de conservação perfeito, completa com a bolsa de origem. Ainda a carrego com mil cuidados, receosa de feri-la nalgum ponto sensível. Sinto-lhe o peso e a magnificência da construção com toda a reverência do mundo. Espero que este seja o início de uma bela amizade.

I got corage and went for it. I offered myself a Rolleicord VB in a perfect state of conservation, completed with the original leather case. I still carry her with a thousand cares, afraid that I might hurt her in a sensitive place. I feel her weight and her magnificent construction with all the reverence in the world. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


  1. Parabéns, e que inveja!!
    Posso-te perguntar onde a encontraste?

    1. Obrigada! Se fosse ao contrário podes crer que também estaria :)

      Comprei aos rapazes que têm este belo projecto:

  2. Oh Ines I'm very happy for you !! You're gonna love it ! cant' wait to see the photos !

    1. Thank you! I'm really excited and can't wait to finish this first test roll! I think this will be a great learning experience without a doubt :)

  3. wooow. yes! I wanna see pics you made with her! am sooo curious!
    dear I., wish you and your beloved ones a beautiful, tasty and peaceful christmas time!
    see you next year.


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